Euphoria Illustration Tribute

Euphoria is an American TV series on HBO starring Zendaya and directed by 4 directors. It tells the story of high school students struggling and living through their teenage years. As we all do right? Inspired by the show, I wanted to feature the inspired-Euphoria work by Paola Wiciak. Titled 'Euphoria', she illustrated 3 character portraits that reflected from the TV series. Stunning work, I am particularly drawn by the details of the hair. Just beautiful, hope you will like it too.

Illustration & Digital Art

portrait Fashion  woman euphoria hbo photoshop Pastels color pencil color Paiting

portrait Fashion  woman euphoria hbo photoshop Pastels color pencil color Paiting

portrait Fashion  woman euphoria hbo photoshop Pastels color pencil color Paiting


Paola Wiciak is an illustration based in Czech Republic. You can check out more of her work at