It's Time...Home "Office" Refresh

This post is for the fortunate ones out there able to do their job safely at home while our world is uPside down. While we continue to stay optimistic on progress being made we're also going a bit batty, not unlike so many of you. It's time, we decided, for a little home "office" spruce up if we're going to maintain our productivity and sanity for the long haul. I was mostly inspired by Tim McKeough's recent New York Times write up on simple ways to upgrade your space along with Matt Bean of Sunset Magazine's "Genius Products for a Clean, Tidy Home."

Let's start with the actual desk itself. While I appreciate the "homemade" desk Fabio painstakingly built a few years back, I'm loving Brooklyn-based interior design firm White Arrow's simple design that folds up at the end of the day. A nice signal to my brain that it's time to transition into personal time minus the added chore of changing back into my elastic-waist pants. We've got a small space to work with so I think I'll finally fulfill my wallpaper dreams and have my eye on Portland-based Juju Papers founded by the talented Avery Thatcher. On the topic of wallpaper, my plan is to take one of Fabio's "Wallpaper of the Week" photographs and have it professionally framed with Simply Framed. I'll add a bit more pizzazz in the lighting department with a simply designed yet colorful new desk lamp from another great Portland brand Schoolhouse. Another must have, a new plant from The Sill. According to their website, "plants make us happier, healthier, more efficient and boost our creativity. They even clean the air we breathe." Lastly, and speaking of air, with so much time being spent indoors, it's time for a splurge on Molekule's Air Mini. Molekule not only offers a beautifully designed product but their back story is even more impressive.

Definitely let us know about ways you've upgraded your home-office scenario as this is a fluid process that is sure to evolve over time as we all continue adapting. 

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