Web Design Inspiration - Work of Adrián Somoza

I have been posting more often about web design. There reason is, of course, I am in the process of redesigning the blog and I need some web design inspiration. For this post I'd love to feature the work of  Adrián Somoza, a senior designer @MediaMonks, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

The work has a lot of style and some patterns that I've been noticing more often on sites like Dribbble and Behance that is the use of some modular design with clear blocks of colors. The motion design is another important feature of these designs. They tend to take advantage of the modular approach to create some subtle but yet beautiful transitions. Below I selected a few pieces to share with you

Web design

FreebieSenhoma prototype 3Senhoma prototypeSenhoma© - WIPSenhoma© - WIPSenhoma© - 04Mondriantastic motion 1Something new 2Nature encyclopedia wipNature encyclopedia wip octopusNature encyclopedia wip peonyNature encyclopedia wip auroraSomethingSomething newAnnouncing Design Consulting SessionsWeberbriquettes fivereasonsSpotify realpixelsBont styl landinganimationStrategery landing