Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story

Magners' 'Real to our Core' campaign uses reductive graphic design to highlight its real Irish cider. The illustrations elevate this iconic brand.

Since 1935, Magners has been producing authentic Irish cider from genuine Irish apples. This year, the brand launched the "Real To Our Core" campaign in Australia. The campaign uses a series of posters to emphasize the use of real Irish apples, a key brand attribute.

The campaign effectively uses Magners' most recognizable asset: the brown pint bottle. The design strategy employs a reductive graphic illustration style. This approach merges the bottle with apples in creative and unexpected ways. The visuals communicate the brand's commitment to real ingredients. The tone is both modern and premium.

One poster shows a large apple seemingly pouring from a bottle. The bottle's neck cleverly forms the apple's stem. Another design features a sliced apple with pips that resemble Magners bottles. A third design transforms apples into a shamrock, a symbol of Ireland. These designs show the effectiveness of simple shapes in visual communication.

Good Drinks' internal creative team developed the posters. Chris Rowson, Head of Creative, led the team. Their graphic design expertise is clear in the campaign's clean lines, bold colors, and clever compositions. The designs are both visually appealing and communicative, demonstrating strong graphic design principles.

Magners' "Real to Our Core" campaign illustrates the impact of graphic design on brand messaging. By focusing on simplicity and visual storytelling, the campaign effectively communicates the brand's core values and product attributes. The use of illustration creates a memorable visual identity.

More information about the work can be found on Chris Rowson's website.

Graphic design artifacts

Image from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on Abduzeedo

Image from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on Abduzeedo

Image from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on AbduzeedoImage from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on Abduzeedo

Image from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on AbduzeedoImage from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on AbduzeedoImage from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on AbduzeedoImage from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on Abduzeedo

Image from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on AbduzeedoImage from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on Abduzeedo

Image from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on AbduzeedoImage from the Magners' Graphic Design: A Core Irish Cider Story article on Abduzeedo