by abduzeedo
Brut, the renowned mixed media production company, recently embarked on an exciting journey of redefining its visual identity. Tasked with this challenging project, Marta Veludo Studio collaborated with the exceptional talents of Clémence Gouy and the creative minds at Brut, including Martin Allais, Marga López, Sara Camacho, web developer Ismael Zigelbaum, and the animation prowess of Melissa Farina and AB Babaei. The result? A remarkable logo design, branding, and visual identity that capture the essence of Brut's multifaceted nature.
The primary objective of the project was to encapsulate Brut's diverse creative force—a formidable group of animators, designers, and directors—within a concise visual representation. Marta Veludo Studio rose to the occasion, employing a meticulous blend of clean sophistication and playful elements to achieve this goal.
The new logo design serves as the cornerstone of Brut's visual identity. It boasts a clean and sober aesthetic, exuding a sense of professionalism and creative prowess. The incorporation of bold typography adds a touch of strength and stability, reflecting the company's established presence in the industry.
However, the designers at Marta Veludo Studio also recognized the need to infuse a sense of playfulness into the brand's identity. To achieve this, subtle yet captivating elements were integrated throughout the visual identity. From the carefully chosen color palette that balances muted tones with vibrant pops of energy, to the dynamic logo animation crafted by Melissa Farina, every aspect exudes a spirited personality that resonates with Brut's dynamic team.
Additionally, sticker animations, skillfully created by AB Babaei, inject an element of excitement and interactivity into the brand. These animated stickers serve as delightful surprises, further reinforcing the brand's playful nature and encouraging engagement with its audience.
By collaborating with the talented Clémence Gouy and the creative team at Brut, Marta Veludo Studio has succeeded in crafting a comprehensive visual identity that perfectly captures the essence of Brut. The clean, sober, yet playful approach reflects the company's dynamic spirit, while the logo design, branding elements, and animations harmoniously work together to showcase its exceptional talent pool.
The collaboration between Marta Veludo Studio, Clémence Gouy, and the team at Brut has given birth to a revitalized visual identity that is both sophisticated and approachable. It serves as a testament to the power of thoughtful design and the ability to distill the essence of a creative powerhouse into a captivating brand identity.
Logo design, branding and visual identity artifacts
For more information make sure to check out Marta Veludo Studio website or follow Marta on Behance.