Another Dystopia, a series inspired by the Shin-Hanga

How is your situation in 'confinement'? Is the place you live in still in lockdown? I think will never go back to what we used to think as 'ordinary' or even 'normal'. We will have to get used to newer ways of living and having the right precautions if needed. Along those lines, I can't help to see a vision of a nearby future through this series by Robert Sundelin titled: 'Another Dystopia'. Taking place in Japan, the mixture of 'contemporary Japan' and this 'post-apocalyptic' world is what makes it even more compelling to reality. Robert does a fantastic job to create this tone and got inspired by the interpretation of the Shin-Hanga woodcut prints from 20th century Japan.

About Robert Sundelin

Robert is art director/designer at Juice Tokyo based in Tokyo, Japan. His work is primary surrounded by CGI and beautifully abstract. Give him some love.