Hamburg Noir Photography by Apo Genc

Apo Genc is a Turkish born self-taught photographer with straight urban focus. Professional videographer since 2013. Former student of Christian-Albrechts-University (CAU, Kiel, Germany) with Magister Artium in Modern German Literature, Psychology and Sociology.Sci-fi inspired street scenes at night. Apo’s photography portfolio is quite inspiring and we’d love to feature one of his most recent series tilted Hamburg Noir. As the name suggests is about photos of light effects, at night with a noir look (our favorite).

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  • Photos: Handheld shots on Sony A7III + Sigma 35mm 1.4 Art.
  • Date: November 2020. 
  • Location: Hamburg, Germany.

For more information make sure to check out Instagram or visit Apo Genc’s website at