G—W Studios: Elevating Branding and Digital Experience

Explore G—W Studios' transformative branding and digital experience journey, harmonizing design and functionality created by Niklas Rosén and Gustav Nordebrink from ID—C.

Nestled in the heart of Sweden, G—W Studios is a powerhouse of brand and digital design renowned for partnering with dynamic, fast-paced companies on a global scale. Their formula for success? A lean, agile approach that strips away the superfluous, putting emphasis solely on impact.

G—W Studios' ethos is centered around quality. Instead of a sprawling workforce, the studio is made up of hands-on creatives. This structure ensures undivided attention to detail and unwavering focus on the task at hand.

Our recent collaboration with G—W Studios was nothing short of transformative. The mission? To craft a new digital experience, harmonizing the studio's core philosophy of "Design for Scale". Our journey involved creating a distinct brand design DNA that resonates with this philosophy. One of the standouts from our collaboration was the development of a unique, flexible line pattern. This design element is more than just aesthetic; it's a representation of the studio's foundational values.

The culmination of our efforts is a responsive framework that ticks all the boxes. Modular in its design, it caters seamlessly to the diverse needs of G—W's clientele. Whether it's the nuances of a particular brand's expression or broader design variations, the platform is adaptable. Customization isn't just an added bonus; it's ingrained into the very fabric of the design.

Accolades for this project wouldn't be complete without mentioning the talents that brought it to life. Harry J Atkins led the charge in website development, while Huwan Peng infused the project with his 3D expertise.

To fully grasp the depth and breadth of this digital transformation, a visit to id-c.se/work/g-w-studios is a must. Dive in and witness a harmonious blend of branding and digital experience.

Branding and digital experience artifacts

Branding digital experience Website studio digital design UI/UX Website Design Brand Design brand identity visual identityBranding digital experience Website studio digital design UI/UX Website Design Brand Design brand identity visual identityBranding digital experience Website studio digital design UI/UX Website Design Brand Design brand identity visual identityBranding digital experience Website studio digital design UI/UX Website Design Brand Design brand identity visual identityBranding digital experience Website studio digital design UI/UX Website Design Brand Design brand identity visual identityBranding digital experience Website studio digital design UI/UX Website Design Brand Design brand identity visual identity


  • Harry J Atkins, Website development
  • Huwan Peng, 3D


For more information make sure to check out id-c.se/work/g-w-studios - also visit By Niklas Rosén and Gustav Nordebrink websites.