by abduzeedo
Silvino González Morales shared a quite beautiful post on graphic design featuring a set of abstract illustrations titled Espectros. The idea is simple, it basically blends shapes with a radial gradient. However the composition makes it very unique. As the wise man say, the simple things are always the most difficult to achieve. Silvino proved that to be right. I wouldn't mind having one of those in my house.
Each one has its own bias, its own weaknesses. As a designer one of my weak points is simplicity, I tend to have a great difficulty with minimalism (and I love so much minimalism). So I try constantly to challenge myself and improve constantly. All these series of designs for different projects have in common that effort for create outside of my comfort zone.
The mockups are from: Pixelbuddha, Designalot, Freepik and NidiaDias. And please remember to check out some of his designs at Teepublic.
Graphic Design