36DaysofType by Juan Díaz-Faes

Most of the projects we share area always digital, usually illustrations, editorial design and UI/UX. Sometimes however, we find really cool experiments that cross that line and go beyond, in this case Juan Díaz-Faes created a handmade wooden alphabet for this 36DaysofType contribution. The result is quite inspiring and definitely makes me want to get out of the room and create something for real.

36DaysofType is a project that invites designers, illustrators and graphic artists to give their particular view on the signs from our alphabet. I made a handmade wooden alphabet, following the basic shapes and rules of my Blackfaes.

Juan Díaz-Faes is in the middle of my PhD about Applied Creativity and the Creative Process, so he can dig into how awesomeness is done. he also teaches workshops and give conferences about all this, to illustrate how creativity can be learned.

For more information check out http://juandiazfaes.com/