by abduzeedo
Amid the bustling streets of New York City in 2020, renowned designer and illustrator, Diego Pinilla Amaya, embarked on a playful typographic escapade. Among the myriad of characters, one has always stood out as the designer's muse: the enchanting Ampersand. Its elegant curves and inviting design have enchanted designers worldwide.
One evening, as Diego mused over its beauty, a whimsical notion arose: What if the Ampersand were not just a character but a character with character? Envisioning it parading down Broadway, perhaps in a tailored black suit, a stylish hat angled just so, immaculate white gloves, and shoes polished to perfection, the Ampersand transformed into an urbane gentleman of distinction.
This delightful daydream birthed 'The Ampersand Crowd.' A brigade of ten unique ampersands, each imbued with its own persona. Whether it be an ampersand serenading the moonlight or another delving deep into mysteries as a detective, Diego's creations broke the mold of traditional design.
This project isn't merely an artistic dalliance; it's a testament to the boundless realms of creativity, where a mere symbol morphs into a vast narrative. Though the Ampersand Crowd is still blossoming, its potential narratives are vast and varied. One might even picture an ampersand patiently waiting for its morning bagel or negotiating the hustle of the NYC subway.
To designers everywhere, Diego's imaginative foray serves as an inspiration: the simplest of elements can spawn the grandest of tales. So, whenever you find yourself looking at an ampersand, perhaps think of Diego and offer a nod of appreciation. Who knows, that ampersand might just nod back.
Until then, let creativity be your compass. Here's to the ampersands and the tales they inspire.
Illustration examples
For more information make sure to check out Diego Pinilla Amaya on Behance or follow him on Instagram.