Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1 - Giveaway: iPod Touch and 3 Pixelmator

The Pixelmator team has just launched the new version of their really cool photo editing tool called Pixelmator 2.1 Cherry. We have been playing with a beta version for a few days and we are really impressed with the new features especially the new Effect Browser and of course the speed.

To give you an extra incentive to play with Pixelmator we will show you how to design a really cool vintage style image and the best part, we will give out 3 copies of the new Pixelmator and an iPod Touch.

So the rules are simple. Download the Pixelmator file and come up with a version based on this image. You have total freedom to do anything you want. Once you get your design, just post it at with the title Pixelmator Contest: Title of your design.

Step 1

Open Pixelmator and create a new document. I am using 2880x1800 pixels. After that import a photo. I am using a photo of cherries by kksummers found at

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 2

One of the coolest new features in Pixelmator 2.1 is the new Effect Browser. You can browse and preview the effects in real time. Really cool. So Let's start adjusting the image. Scroll down to the Color Adjustments.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 3

Select Levels and then adjust the Gray to 55%. The easiest way to apply the effect is by either double clicking or drag the thumbnail of the filter to the image.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 4

Select Exposure and change it to -10.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 5

Scroll down and go to Vintage. Vintage is a new set of presets that create nice vintage filters like Instagram. Select Wormwood and change the Saturation to -10 and the Vignette to 100%.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 6

Select the Rectangle Shape. Add a white rectangle in your design.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 7

Add another rectangle with the Rectangle Shape tool. Then duplicate it and position the new ones like the image below.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 8

Add another rectangle, this time in black. Position it in the end of the big retangle and click on the little gear icon on the top left of the canvas window. Select Make Editable. Move the vertices to create a sort of 3D ribbon effect. Use the image below for reference.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 9

With the Type Tool (T) add the texts Pixelmator and Cherry using the font Mensch For the Pixelmator text use black and for the Cherry text use white.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 10

With the Rectangle Shape tool add another rectangle, this time like a line going from the edge to the word Cherry. After that duplicate 3 times to create lines like the image below.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 11

Add another text, this time the "2.1". Then with the Ellipse Shape tool, create a circle underneath the 2.1.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 12

Group all these shapes and texts, then change the Blending of the group to Screen. That way the black will be transparent creating a really nice cut out effect.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 13

Go to Layer>Add Layer Mask. Then with the Brush Tool (B). Select the Grunge Brushes preset and paint with black a few dirty areas like the image below.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Step 14

Select the photo layer and then drag the CMYK filter to the image. Use the image below for the values. The idea of this effect is to create a sort of halftone style to the image.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1


You can rotate the Pixelmator to add more style or you can even rotate everything. The idea is to explore and that's why we are runing this tutorial and giveway. We want you to download the Pixelmator file and create a new version using the new Pixelmator 2.1 Cherry.

We will pick the 3 winners that will get a license of the new Pixelmator and for the first place we will have an iPod Touch as well.

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1

Playing with the new Pixelmator 2.1