Life Between Blocks

A solo exhibition by Santiago Oddis

As a collaboration between the production company Final Frontier and the renowned animation studio Le Cube the exhibition Life Between Blocks is now open at Silk Gallery. The gallery, which always plays with the limits between design, illustration, and contemporary art, is proposing a new exhibition to celebrate this increasingly hybridized scenario.

Like an open love letter, Oddis walks through the history of industrial design and resignifies iconic pieces in his playful and vibrant aesthetic. Specifically, he uses the forms of modern design from the mid-20th century as a starting point and in the exhibition “Life Between Blocks” he plays with and reinvents the spirit of the objects that have inspired him so much.

It is a dance between geometric figures and exciting colors as a celebration of life itself through the objects that have transformed it. Between painting, graphic work, and a light installation, the exhibition is an ode to the ideas that have revolutionized a way of life.

Santiago Oddis, Argentine designer and artist, takes us on an exciting graphic journey where the design, the subject and the transformation of both over time, fuse explosively and erase the borders of each discipline to become a powerful whole.

“Life Between Blocks”, a solo exhibition by Santiago Oddis, can be visited until February 20th Pelayo 52 or virtually at

Visits by appointment via

About Santiago Oddis

Santiago Oddis is an Argentine illustrator and designer currently working as a Creative Director and partner at Le Cube. Born in San Juan, graduated in Communication and Graphic Design from FAUD and based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, his body of work is in constant search for the simple, positive and powerful creative process.

About Le Cube

Le Cube is an award-winning design and animation studio focused on character-driven and storytelling for brand content and advertising.  Their characters and stories are sharp, fluid and undeniably breathtaking.  Le Cube describes itself as: “Masters of the classical techniques and lovers of new technologies.”

About Final Frontier

Final Frontier is a production company specializing in animation, character design, visual effects, stop motion, and mixed media. 

With a unique and diverse roster of international studios and directors it provides complete solutions for any motion project. Final Frontier goes beyond the traditional media, with FFXR, an experimental and interactive development for virtual and augmented reality developments, FF Entertainment delivering exceptional Content Creation, and an in-house creative audio studio providing music and sound for animation and video games.

Silk Gallery

Silk celebrates contemporary graphic art, bringing together boundary pushing artists from eclectic backgrounds, offering a physical manifestation of digital work born outside of the traditional institutions.  Silk serves as a momentary crystallization of an expansive and ever-changing medium, exploring this hybrid and infinite genre through selected work created by the artists we love, like Sebastian Curi and Yukai Du.
