by abduzeedo
Oscar Llorens shared an incredible illustration project on his Behance profile titled Dolls. It's his second project done entirely using the iPad and Procreate and, honestly, I was blown away. The first time I saw I really thought it was done using Photoshop because of the textures and the style. It was definitely a happy surprise, especially as I try to use my iPad for content creation, like write now writing this post. I still have a long way to get to the level of Oscar.
This is the second project I do entirely from the Ipad Pro using the Procreate app. It is very possible that these characters have a great influence on the trip I made to Tokyo in May 2018.
In addition to having time to create incredible illustration, Oscar is finishing recording an online course about Procreate that will be released very soon, so doing this project has been really useful to try many of the new features of the app.
Illustration with iPad and Procreate
Fore more information about Oscar make sure to check out his website at