by AoiroStudio
As a huge movie rat, I can't help to really enjoy this Pixel Art feature for Gustavo Viselner, a game & pixel artist based in Tel Aviv, Israel. His work? Recreating movie and television scenes made of Pixel art. He is on a mission saying that Pixel art is no longer a graphic tool for games and as I quote: "...a form of art". I totally dig that! Try to guess which movies are shown in this collection I have put together, as I decided to leave out the caption titles for you to find out by yourself. A hint? You might recognize memorable movies like Beetlejuice, Alien, Back to the Future, Batman Returns, The Professional and a lot more.
My work embraces pop culture influences and allows me to express my love and appreciation for all these wonderful stories and characters that I grew up watching, and that shaped my personality.
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Pixel Art
- Follow @pixelgustavo on Instagram