by AoiroStudio
The mighty James White has just released the first issue titled: OFF THE GRID #1. A collection of 40 pages of drawings, stories, and art by the man himself. James has been one of the first artists we have featured on ABDZ, about 12 years ago. It's a great honor to see bringing the thunder with this release. Let's give him some love and make sure to order the OFF THE GRID #1 NOW.
The rad first issue of OFF THE GRID... a quarterly art zine featuring 40 pages of full colour drawings, stories and digital art by James White. We are diving deep into the Signalnoise archive to publish art that has never seen print before.
About James White
James is a Canadian digital artist NOW based in Newcastle, UK. His personal work inspired by the wonderful years of the 80s has been loved and recognized by many. James has worked with many brands Metallica, Las Vegas, Twitch, Facebook and just to name a few.