Lego® Art Website Design

Havas CX İstanbul shared a web design project for Lego A/S, a Danish toy production company based in Billund. It manufactures Lego-brand toys, consisting mostly of interlocking plastic bricks; who allows anyone to build their dreams out of Lego blocks.​

Lego Art is a DIY Lego product targeting adults which is different from Lego Dots by its concept of building mosaic art pieces. Lego Art allows people to have their favorite visual pixelized to be built with Lego Art dots and colors.​

Our task was to provide the opportunity to visualize customer dreams in Lego Art.​


Everyone knows Lego, but what about Lego Art?

We needed a platform where the users could buy and experience these premium Lego® Art sets, which were offered for sale for the first time in Turkey.

We should have explained that there is more than one design option in each box and the only limit to being able to do more is their creativity. We were tasked with figuring out how to attract people with different interests to this story.


We designed a scroll-triggered microsite experience for Lego® Art.

Sith Lords, Wizards of Hogwart’s, The Beatles legend of the 60’s and more... We created a journey where we talked about key features where we showed different product sets covering each persona. Users turned their photos into wonderful pieces of art  with a widget on the site, we also integrated them with social media to inspire more people.

It's time to show users how they can work on this modern canvas.

We are not just designing buttons, we are the craftsmen… Nowadays most designers use stock or pre-build images and scenes. We believe storytelling is an important part of the usability and storytellers should bring to life their Pinocchios.

We have designed a navigation where users can easily follow the journey while scrolling. In addition, it is very easy to explore all products with the quick menu.


For more information make sure to check out Havas CX İstanbul on
