3D Studies on the 'Never-Ending Content'

A really cool 3D series by Ben Fearnley, a 3D artist and designer based in New York City, USA. Titled 'Never Ending Content', it's a 3D digital art series that reflects an abstract point-of-view of what most of us are doing during our free time especially during a never-ending global pandemic. SCROLLING through our endless applications whatever is to stream a movie or TV series, music streaming, wallpapers, and what our buddies are doing during their confinement as well. Not all of us do. Ben' execution is splendid and you can't help to appreciate the details and his interior design skills as well.

A visual play on the modern design of digital content libraries and apps, specifically created in such a way to always keep the user engaged and provide an endless amount of content.

Image may contain: screenshot

Image may contain: screenshot

Image may contain: screenshot

Image may contain: indoor

Image may contain: indoor and screenshot

Image may contain: indoor

Image may contain: indoor and wall

Image may contain: indoor and computer

Image may contain: indoor

Image may contain: screenshot and printer

Image may contain: screenshot, indoor and printer

Image may contain: screenshot