Beautiful Editorial Design for Radiologie in Deutschland

It looks like the holographic style is following me. This time I’d love to share the beautiful editorial design created by Fons Hickmann for Radiologie in Deutschland

As a rule white papers offer subject-specific perspectives, concrete proposals and forecasts in a matter-of-fact presentation form. The publication “Radiology in Germany. A White Paper” goes far beyond these characteristics. The articles authored by fifteen specialists active in the clinical and scientific spheres open up a broad spectrum of topics as well as textual and graphic representations. To give such content a suitable form, Fons Hickmann designed a high-quality book that includes 248 pages, extensive photo series and an elaborately embellished cover.

Editorial Design

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  • Design: Fons Hickmann
  • Client: Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft
  • Year: 2019
  • Design: Fons Hickmann M23