Branding and Visual Identity for Religion Studio

Lukas Diemling shared a branding and visual identity for Religion, a brand loyalty Studio focused on creating digital essentials to elevate the human condition. They are on a crusade to establish themselves as a cultural institution, tapped by startups and enterprises to solve their greatest challenges. Religion turns the “impossible” into reality.

We created a flexible visual system that works as a canvas for Religions creative output and ongoing collaborations within the creative industry and beyond. The minimalist Logotype, set in a customized version of Founders Grotesk Condensed, with its extra wide space in-between is a visual representation of the forth and back in the creative process and communication in the design process. The dot reflects the digital home of Religion Studio, the web domain, within the design and buts the focus on Religion.

The developed typographical system, also using Founders Grotesk Condensed, aims for a minimal and timeless feeling with emphasis on the Logotype and the additional monogram with the possibility to get creative with the typesetting.

Image may contain: handwriting and screenshotImage may contain: screenshotImage may contain: cartoonImage may contain: person, handbag and luggage and bagsImage may contain: screenshotImage may contain: black and white and monochromeImage may contain: screenshot and abstract

For more information check out on Instagram