Branding Concept for Mies Van Der Rohe Architecture Firm

Lucas Gil-Turner created a tribute project  to one of his favorite architects (Mies van der Rohe). The idea was to imagine what a brand would look like for such an emblematic and representative architecture firm, says Lucas. What a great idea and great execution. This is a great example of using a passion as a motivator to explore/learn new things. The byproduct of that, you can get some awesome work on your portfolio. 

Starting from the premise of the main partner of "less is more", the concept behind this proposal is characterised by the simplicity of the structural elements, the geometric composition and the absence of ornamental elements. The whole system is based on proportions and sobriety. The logo has two versions: a more extended one that contains the full name and a reduced version where only the initials would appear for the cases in which it is more difficult to apply. The color palette consists of three different grays (light, medium, and dark) plus black and white. The typeface used is Din Pro, whose origin is found in the design published in 1931 by the German Institute for Standardisation (Din 1451). It was created primarily for industrial uses and technical drawings. Due to its readability, simplicity, and no frills, it became very popular for general signage use.

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