by GisMullr
The illustrations you are about to see are simply mind blowing! They were created by London based artist Doug John Miller. And as you will be able to see, his style is really impressive. The way Doug plays with dimensions and lines totally gets your attention. Your brain explodes trying to match sizes and figuring that the whole dimensions are twisted. His illustrations play with a surreal world where architecture and human figures take center stage. Some elements of his work are oversized, other are tiny. And this juxtaposition delivers amazing artworks. All of the illustrations are super detailed.
Doug John Miller has created pieces for New York Times, Wired, London Magazine, Pitchfork, Courier Magazine, World of Interiors and more. His illustrations are created using computer modelling and well thought line drawings. He manages to give his work this intricate feel. Like two worlds are colliding. In some artworks people are tiny. In other pieces people look like giants walking around tiny buildings. Take a look. I'm pretty sure that after checking out his work you will recognize his style when you see it again.
Doug is an illustrator currently working in London. His drawings explore small narratives and experiment with colorful and highly detailed compositions of surreal and fantastical architecture.