Shape our Future initiative - take part now for a better tomorrow

2020 is filled with events that will change the course of our lives for the years to come. Even though the year is still not over yet, there are things happening that need closer awareness in order to shape a better future. The kind folks from InVision have kickstarted back in September what they called: 'Shape our Future' initiative. It's a campaign to incite us designers, artists, and makers to share what is our visual perspective of 'shaping the future' in the events of the upcoming US 2020 presidential election. I think we all share and passionate about this subject wherever we are on the globe, we have this ability to visually express a voice. Let's take part, together.

'Shape the Future' embodies more than just the act of voting. It is empowering enough to involve “change” in broad opportunities beyond just voting.

Some notes

  • You can stylize (or manipulate to a degree) the text but keep the integrity, legibility, and placement of the text.
  • Export at 2000x2000 pixels at 72 ppi in RGB, saved as JPEG or PNG
  • Write an artist’s statement (500 characters max) explaining how your illustration envisions your future.


David Gonzalez (@elninodotstudio)

Keegan Sanford (@keegansanford)

Nataly Menjivar (@_littlefang)

Kendrick Kidd (@kendrickkidd)

Kim Salt (@kesalt)

Mercedes Bazan (@mechibaz)