6 Posters / 6 heroes — Graphic Design in 3D

Braz de Pina shared an beautiful personal project to sharpen his 3D and graphic design skills. As Braz mentioned, there are  so many brilliant minds in art and design history but he picked six of his biggest influences during his time in college to recreate their famous work using Cinema 4D. Here’s the list:

  1. Villard de Honnecourt
  2. Josef Müller-Brockmann
  3. Dieter Rams
  4. Otl Aicher
  5. Massimo Vignelli
  6. Alexandre Wollner

These series of posters are inspired by the work of one of the best designers I know and one of my mentors Flávio Carvalho








3D branding  DieterRams graphicdesign grid massimovignelli  modernism motion OtlAicher posters3D branding  DieterRams graphicdesign grid massimovignelli  modernism motion OtlAicher posters3D branding  DieterRams graphicdesign grid massimovignelli  modernism motion OtlAicher posters3D branding  DieterRams graphicdesign grid massimovignelli  modernism motion OtlAicher posters3D branding  DieterRams graphicdesign grid massimovignelli  modernism motion OtlAicher posters3D branding  DieterRams graphicdesign grid massimovignelli  modernism motion OtlAicher posters3D branding  DieterRams graphicdesign grid massimovignelli  modernism motion OtlAicher posters

For more information make sure to follow Braz de Pina on instagram @brazdepina.exp