by ibby
It’s hard to believe fall is here and that means apple season in the Pacific Northwest. Orchards are brimming with all the varieties including Gala, Red Delicious, Fuji, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, and Gravenstein oh my! With that, we’re salivating over Imperial Cider, the latest release by the awesome team from Austin Eastciders. And because this just isn’t your average cider the brand tapped one of our absolute favorite designers Aaron Draplin of Draplin Design Co. to assist in bringing this tasty new flavor to life creatively.
A perfect representation of the creative spirit that drives Austin Eastciders forward, Draplin spends a great deal of his time inspiring designers through ongoing tours across America, giving design talks and selling his one-of-a-kind merch. The collaboration resulted in a unique new can, with it’s wavy lines and bright, juicy apple-green colors offers a clear connection to Draplin’s Thick Lines poster series.
We're new to the cider game. And dang, this stuff is DELICIOUS,” Draplin said. “It's been a blast working with the Eastciders crew to bring these cans to life. You haven't lived until you've seen a tower of pallets of the stuff! I've seen proof. Crack open a couple and get weird!
Fans will need to move fast, as the limited offering is a special treat that will be on shelves for a short time with one production run! Not just delicious, the can alone is a collector's item. Imperial Cider will be available while limited supplies last in 12oz 6-packs at $13.99, and in kegs. Visit to learn more and if you aren't familiar with Aaron Draplin already let this be your nudge to start following this creative jedi here.