Branding and logo design Inducto revolutionary coffee machine

Schneider Studio shared a branding and logo design project for Inducto, a consumer electronics brand based in New York, USA, has developed a revolutionary coffee machine with patented first-generation technology using induction heating and magnetic stirs. The machine allows users to control the temperatures of extraction while keeping the beans or tea in motion for optimal extraction. It also has the ability to make cold-pressed coffee, hot cocoa from scratch, and even marijuana butter at record speed. Pre-orders for the product will be available in 2023.

To develop a brand identity and packaging design that matched the product's innovative technology, Inducto collaborated with Schneider Studio. The branding process faced several challenges, including building a new brand from scratch, increasing customer trust, and identifying target markets that were ready to adopt a new product. The visual identity needed to strike a balance between a high-tech product and a household assistant.

Inspired by the circular form of the coffee machine's key features, including temperature adjustment and induction heating, Schneider Studio developed a brand identity that revolved around the customer. The slogan "Revolves around you" and creative concept embodied this idea. The logo drew inspiration from Dieter Rams' Braun era, emphasizing the brand's core values of innovation, simplicity, free thinking, and honesty. The chosen colors also reflect these values.

The result is a brand identity and packaging design that is sleek and modern while remaining approachable and user-friendly. The circular design elements are incorporated throughout the branding, including the product packaging, creating a cohesive look and feel. The branding not only reflects the product's innovative technology but also reinforces the brand's focus on the customer's needs and experience.

With its unique and patented technology, Inducto is poised to redefine the coffee brewing experience. The brand's collaboration with Schneider Studio has resulted in a strong visual identity that perfectly captures the product's key features and benefits. As the brand prepares for its launch in 2023, its modern and approachable branding is sure to make a strong impact on consumers

Branding and logo design artifacts

Branding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machineBranding and logo design artifacts for Inducto coffee machine
