by AoiroStudio
François here from ABDZ, I wanted to share an update on my Osore Lightroom Presets. As you may have heard or seen, I was in Shanghai a little while ago for the Auto Show. I wrote a couple of really cool articles including a recap, you can check it out here. Being yonder and you guys know about my addictive obsession with neons. It was pretty obvious that I would wander the streets of Shanghai hunting for these illuminated enjoyments and I did! I must admit, the streets of Shanghai felt very different from Tokyo for example but I absolutely love somehow observing the mixture of old and new. It was quite pleasing especially being in a certain neighborhood and seeing the futuristic skyscrapers from far away.
I am finishing up my next Lightroom series for Osore Shanghai and I wanted to share a sneak peek. For the occasion, I shared two pictures free to download via my Unsplash account. As you may have noticed, one picture was used for my #ABDZinShanghai Recap. Last but not least, I am sharing a discount code! Use "letgo" at checkout and get 25% of everything in the store, please enjoy!

Free via Unsplash
Free via Unsplash
Limited Code
Use "letgo" at checkout and get 25% of everything in the store, enjoy!