Is this really coming back? UI Design Trends

We posted about this new trend a month or so ago, however it seems that it’s really picking up steam on sites like Dribbble. With more and more people sharing snippets of working exploring this style it makes me wonder, is the skeuomorphism or as we call it now, the neo-skeuomorphism coming back? Below I select some entries to illustrate the trend but the biggest question for me is not only if it’s coming back but how easy it’s to translate the designs to the adaptive reality we have today. The original skeuomorphism exploded with the iPhone and it was a fairly fixed screen size. Most of the effects were done using bitmaps with tools like Photoshop and Fireworks. Now it’s a bit different as we design for different devices. I know that CSS is a fairly simple process to translate that, however is it for Android and iOS the same? 

Neo-skeuomorphism UI Design