Star Wars 3D Illustrations

I know this might sound crazy and you can unfollow me right now, but, I am not a fan of the Star Wars franchise. I actually enjoyed watching the first trilogy back in the 80s. I have this clear memory of a Sunday afternoon, a rainy day. My parents are sleeping on the sofa and my brother and I are on the floor with blankets watching the rerun on TV. It’s incredible how some memories stay so crisp in our conscious, perhaps because those were truly happy moments not because of any achievements but just because the simplicity of a moment with people you love. I am sorry if I got off rails here but that’s how I felt when I saw this project that Encho Enchev shared on his Behance profile. It’s the Y-wing redesign illustrations. They are beautiful and totally deserve to be featured here on ABDZ

In case you wonder, the 3D work was done using Autodesk 3ds Max.

Star Wars Illustrations

Image may contain: musical instrument and guitarImage may contain: plane, floor and airplaneImage may contain: screenshotImage may contain: screenshotImage may contain: screenshotImage may contain: shipImage may contain: aircraft, airplane and vehicleImage may contain: weapon, indoor and screenshot

