Whimsical Balance in 3D

Pol Solà has an incredible portfolio with some beautiful projects like Rings Of Saturn which was featured on Behance. There’s something about his projects that capture the 80s, in special, that sense of discovering what 3D and CGI could bring to the world in terms of visual design. With “Whimsical Balance” Pol creates a new a series of 3D explorations in collaboration with Guasch Studio. This project expands a bit more the use of textures and other materials. Glass and its reflection/refractions, caustics and how these materials and effects interact with each other to create the whimsical balance.


3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic 3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic 3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic 3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic 3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic 3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic 3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic 3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic 3D balance bauhaus geometric glass gradient light realistic​​

Taking one of Pol Sola's Illustrations as a starting point, this 3D series with Guasch Studio is an exploration of visual tricks: Lights and shadows giving depth and sense to objects that play within the space, still movement and whimsical balance.

For more information make sure to check out Pol's Instagram and Guasch's Instagram 