by AoiroStudio
As much we have spoken about the global pandemic during the last few months, nevertheless to say we are far away from being done. Speaking further, I don't know if you have seen it in the news but India has been suffering their 'highest single-day total of cases globally'. The hospitals are on the verge of collapsing, we need to support them somehow. On top of that, they are in the middle of medical oxygen crisis, that's why our friend Amrit Pal Singh stepped it up. He created an 'NFT' titled: 'Help India Toy Face' and all the 100% proceeds will go to Democracy People Foundation, enabling hospitals across the country to get immediate access to oxygen concentrators. Let's support a good cause, let us come together. If you wanna donate directly, click here. Thank you.
- Look for 'Help India Toy Face' on Foundation
- Or you can donate to Mission Oxygen
India has a medical oxygen crisis. 100% proceeds from this NFT will go to Democracy People Foundation, enabling hospitals across the country to get immediate access to oxygen concentrators. Would love your support, please RT??
— Amrit Pal Singh (@amritpaldesign) April 25, 2021