Fun Meetings Backgrounds Project

In this period when people need to take care of one another's health, staying at home, virtual contact by videoconference has been a frequent solution. Work meetings, birthday parties and happy hours take place with the cameras on. It's been more than 3 months, at least for me that I have been in isolation with my family. It's not easy, but we all adapt and get used to it. There's also our tendency of being positive and create fun things to take advantage of the adversity. Look at this campaign that folks from Ford Brazil did, it's so simple, silly I'd say, but awesome! 

Ford wants to bring individuals together during social distancing, making virtual gatherings more fun. Following this idea, the manufacturer has just launched the Fun Meetings Backgrounds project: a series of animated backgrounds for people to customize their videos.

Some video conferencing platforms, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, allow you to change your video call background. Just download the files and apply in the settings the customization to be able to arrive in a video call on board of a Ford. And change models as often as you like.

Created by GTB Brazil, the communication has a presentation video, animated posts on social media and a website where you can download the customized backgrounds.

This is just one of Ford Brazil's initiatives during the pandemic to support customers, employees and society in general. Other actions include Ford Clean plan, which standardizes all hygiene procedures for Ford dealerships and its vehicles and also make available part of their idle fleet to the Red Cross and the production of face shields.
