Dream Explorers Illustrations by Hurca!

It's refreshing to see such beautiful illustrations with many color combinations that somehow go so well together. Well this is the style that Hurca! is giving us for our delight. The series we are featuring today is titled 'Dream Explorers' and I must say that I dig the 'Cyberpunk-style-esque' of Huca!'s visual style!

Digital Illustration

colorscheme concept art digital painting dream fantasy hero illustration  imagination sci-fi surreal

colorscheme concept art digital painting dream fantasy hero illustration  imagination sci-fi surreal

colorscheme concept art digital painting dream fantasy hero illustration  imagination sci-fi surreal

colorscheme concept art digital painting dream fantasy hero illustration  imagination sci-fi surreal

colorscheme concept art digital painting dream fantasy hero illustration  imagination sci-fi surreal

colorscheme concept art digital painting dream fantasy hero illustration  imagination sci-fi surreal

colorscheme concept art digital painting dream fantasy hero illustration  imagination sci-fi surreal

colorscheme concept art digital painting dream fantasy hero illustration  imagination sci-fi surreal


Hurca! is an Italian freelance illustrator based in Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy Make sure to follow his work, and journey through his social feeds.

Some of these illustrations are copyrighted by ©Kraken.