by abduzeedo
In partnership with Microsoft Azure AI, Deep Yellow task was to create three dimensional shapes translating core values of Artificial Intelligence. Imitating human behavior these dynamic shapes evolve and interact in a natural way. The result is a series of shapes and forms that have a lot of movement, fluidity and above all beauty. I am not familiar with Azure AI but it’s fascinating to see how they try to translate terms like “learn”, “focus”, “adapt” into forms. The only thing I can say without any doubt is that the execution is flawless.
For more information make sure to check out the full case study on the Deep Yellow website.

- Client: Microsoft
- Sector: Azure AI
- Agency: Deepyellow™
- Directon: Nertil Muhaxhiri
- 3D Design/Animation: Nertil Muhaxhiri
- Account Executive: Dorant Dinarama
- Production: Deepyellow™
Special Thanks to ECD of Microsoft Douglas Montague. Make sure to follow: