In partnership with Microsoft Azure AI, Deep Yellow task was to create three dimensional shapes translating core values of Artificial Intelligence. Imitating human behavior these dynamic shapes evolve and interact in a natural way. The result is a series of shapes and forms that have a lot of movement, fluidity and above all beauty. I am not familiar with Azure AI but it’s fascinating to see how they try to translate terms like “learn”, “focus”, “adapt” into forms. The only thing I can say without any doubt is that the execution is flawless.
For more information make sure to check out the full case study on the Deep Yellow website.
- Client: Microsoft
- Sector: Azure AI
- Agency: Deepyellow™
- Directon: Nertil Muhaxhiri
- 3D Design/Animation: Nertil Muhaxhiri
- Account Executive: Dorant Dinarama
- Production: Deepyellow™
Special Thanks to ECD of Microsoft Douglas Montague. Make sure to follow: