Typism — 3D typography



3D animation  design graphic design  lettering motion design type type design Typeface typography  3D animation  design graphic design  lettering motion design type type design Typeface typography  3D animation  design graphic design  lettering motion design type type design Typeface typography  3D animation  design graphic design  lettering motion design type type design Typeface typography  3D animation  design graphic design  lettering motion design type type design Typeface typography  3D animation  design graphic design  lettering motion design type type design Typeface typography  3D animation  design graphic design  lettering motion design type type design Typeface typography  3D animation  design graphic design  lettering motion design type type design Typeface typography  3D animation  design graphic design  lettering motion design type type design Typeface typography

Software used: Maxon Cinema 4D, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects.

For more information make sure to check out Nicolaas Kotzé on:
