3D Movie Illustrations series by Roman Klco

Since the pandemic around the world, staying home and working from home is pretty much what we are all doing nowadays. Have you ever wondered how every person managed to live and work around their house? This tiny cubic house trend is everywhere, from 3d to illustrations to photographers, and architecture for small spaces is genuinely pleasant to look at. This artist captures it very nicely in 3D cubic spaces from famous movies we all know, oh movies, the feeling to be in a theater and watch a movie on the big screen. They are fond memories now.

Roman Klco is from Bratislava, Slovakia, he is a designer and 3D illustrator with a strong passion for learning, creating, sharing the journey with others. His mission is to inspire and lead designers to unlock their creative potential with 3D illustration by teaching on Polygon Runway channels. You can learn more about his awesome works via his Behance and he also teaches 3D on https://polygonrunway.com.

Image may contain: ship and screenshot

Image may contain: vehicle, land vehicle and car

Image may contain: screenshot and ship

Image may contain: screenshot and cartoon

Image may contain: art, vase and building

Image may contain: wall, table and indoor

Image may contain: cartoon

Image may contain: wedding dress

Image may contain: wall and indoor

Image may contain: vehicle, land vehicle and car