by abduzeedo
Citte is focused on transforming cities into environments that prioritize people's quality of life and promote sustainable, intelligent urban development. Using technology and innovation, Citte aims to create spaces that cater to individuals' needs and desires, with a focus on inclusivity, value, and hospitality. At Citte, we believe that by combining technology and social spaces, we can create a better future for all.
Designing, developing and enabling intelligent and sustainable proposals for urban centers, spaces of common use aimed at improving the community, as well as the entire chain that involves the most different places of common use, creating with the support of technology and a lot of innovation, environments that speak to the reality of their individuals, that meet their needs and their desires, whether tangible or ideal.
With a focus on people at the center of all development, we daily focus on the individual and the collective, to create relationships and interactions that are even more inclusive, valuable, and welcoming, mindful of the larger background involving public and private management, cost reduction in municipal, state, and federal budgets, and better functioning of large cities.
With this in our mindset, at Citte we breathe the essence of uniting technology with quality of life derived from the maximum use of social spaces, making for and by people, a more ideal society designed for the future.
- Developed by: Trauma Studio | Lucas Oliveira
- Project lettering: Felipe Polo
- Graphic Design: Yago Ferreira
- Art Direct: Lucas OLiveira
- Copywrite: Aldenis Rodrigues
- Project link: Estudio Trauma on Behance