Redesign for one of the oldest Viennese cinemas, Votiv Kino

Daniel Triendl shared a branding and visual identity project for Votiv Kino. Built in 1912, the Votiv Kino is one of the oldest Viennese cinemas still operating. Guided by the principle of representing the diversity of contemporary independent filmmaking, it is among the most popular art house cinemas in Austria. 

Daniel mentions that the purpose of the redesign was to establish a common identity for the Votiv Kino and the associated Kino De France. 

The corporate design captures the typographic aesthetics associated with classical cinemas and film credits, and merges these features with playful illustrations. Combined with a reduced colour palette reminiscent of Kino De France’s characteristic tricolour, a recognizable and memorable identity is created.

The identity also meets the high standards of the art house cinema and can be applied to all levels of a cinema’s day-to-day business.

The heart of the redesign is the website and the booklet, which provide an overview of the cinemas’ diverse program, consisting of more than 400 screenings per month and multifarious series and specials. Animated illustrations on the website tell humorous stories and guide through the diverse program of both cinemas. The eye-catcher of the booklet is a large-scale illustration on the cover. It visually translates the content of the monthly film highlight in a playful way and makes you curious to find out more.

Image may contain: screenshot, illustration and fontImage may contain: cartoon, clothing and manImage may contain: posterImage may contain: cartoon and poster

For more information make sure to follow Daniel Triendl on Instagram via @studioleichtfried and @danieltriendl - also check out: