Spiders by Franco Spagnolo — Character Design

It still stunned me how after many years, we still discover new artists to feature on abdz. Introducing Franco Spagnolo, a character designer, animation artist and illustrator from Buenos Aires, Argentina. With this week's buzz trailer with 'Spider-Man: No Way Home', I wanted to share an illustration series titled 'Spiders' and they are super amazing. I love how the arms and legs are slightly thin and just totally define the style of it all. Hope you will like it!

Neighborhood SpiderMan! ? ? Last week we saw Spiderman Far From Home and I have to say that I liked a lot. Here are some Spiderman designs that I made in a cartoon style! Hope you like them!

Character Design

spiderman marvel spider comic Action Poses stop fight action


Franco Spagnolo is a character designer, animation artist and illustrator from Buenos Aires, Argentina. For more of his work, check out his Instagram.