Euphoria Illustrations by Margaret Lo

I am not entirely sure if it's linked with the popular 'Euphoria' TV series but it has definitely had its vibes and atmosphere. We are taking a look at the work of Margaret Lo who has created an inspiring, beautiful series of illustrations based on the human mood change illustrated through colors, shapes, and flowers. Check out the full project on Dribbble and make sure to check out more of Margaret's work.

This series of illustrations tells about how the human body looks in moments of happiness, how music affects a person's mood and how a melody that gives a feeling of euphoria could look if we could express it in colors.

Digital Art

art artwork cover flower garden human ILLUSTRATION  music plants soul

art artwork cover flower garden human ILLUSTRATION  music plants soul


Margaret Lo is a graphic designer and illustrator currently based in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Check out more of her work on Dribbble.