Web Editorial Design for Online Store

Broklin Onjei and the bybroklin.com shared a web design project they created for an online fashion store and lifestyle blog for women who love and vibe with the culture of orange colour products. This project exemplifies for me what web design is today. Grid system, highly editorial and responsive. If you think about it, to make all these variables work in harmony is a big deal and it will be used as reference for the future versions of abdz.

Image may contain: screenshotImage may contain: fashionImage may contain: building, dress and outdoorImage may contain: screenshot and abstractImage may contain: cartoon and clothingImage may contain: screenshot, abstract and human faceImage may contain: screenshot and abstractImage may contain: human face, smile and screenshotImage may contain: screenshotImage may contain: human face, woman and smileImage may contain: screenshotImage may contain: templateImage may contain: screenshot, abstract and cartoon
