by abduzeedo
Dive into Abello Mel's innovative branding and visual identity. Discover how minimalism and contemporary design redefine honey for the modern consumer.
In the expansive realm of branding and visual identity, Abello stands out. The brainchild of Sweety & Co., Abello is a nascent honey brand designed to reorient honey consumption for today's consumers.
The task was clear-cut: transition from the brand name to its visual persona, crafting a brand that accentuates the health benefits of honey in a present-day, unembellished manner.
The result? A minimalist yet impactful brand, reinventing honey - a timeless food staple, making it apt for current-day consumers. The brand tells a fresh story, juxtaposing honey with products cherished for their performance, nourishment, and supplementation. What's more, it does so with a trailblazing dialect.
1. Reframing Honey:
Abello's strategy pivots honey's perception, turning it into an indispensable wellness product. It draws inspiration from the supplement industry, which has already set its roots deep into consumers' minds.
2. Picture-Perfect Honey:
The brand's visual identity transcends from being just a tabletop addition to becoming Instagram-worthy. It's not just about consumption; it's about creating a statement. With aesthetics leaning towards decor and garnish, Abello's honey seamlessly fits into social media narratives, perfect for stories and snapshots.
3. The Power of Minimalism
Abello's compositions are pristine, making them a refreshing deviation from the usually loud and cluttered visuals we see in the market. It's a classic testament to the "less is more" philosophy. In a sea of brands screaming for attention, Abello's understated design ensures it doesn't just blend in, but stands out.
In essence, Abello's branding and visual identity serve as an exemplary beacon in design. It beautifully marries tradition with modernity, ensuring honey remains not just a kitchen staple but also a lifestyle statement.
Branding and packaging design artifacts
For more information make sure to check out Sweety & Co. website and Behance profile.