Enroll into a freelance Web Designer's Journey by Webflow

The kind folks from Webflow have just released their kickass and free comprehensive course that teaches you how to succeed as a freelance web designer. It doesn't stop there, it's going all the way from first of all 'getting the clients', 'proposal research', 'pricing your work' and a lot more. They are going beyond the design tool itself and it's a rare thing and very helpful whatever you are starting in design, a junior, professional and/or just out of curiosity and wanted to learn something new. After a rundown, this course feels pretty complete and props to everyone who have worked to pull this course together. Let's dive in, shall we?

Enroll into a freelance Web Designer's Journey by Webflow

In their words

...from getting clients to designing, building, and launching custom client websites

The Freelancer’s Journey - an Introduction

Introducing The Freelancer’s Journey: a free, comprehensive course that teaches you how to succeed as a freelance web designer — from getting clients to designing, building, and launching custom client websites.

What is Webflow?

Instead of locking you into “customizable” templates or forcing you to learn code, web publishing platforms should empower you to build whatever you like. A web design platform should unite code, content, and design, helping people in each discipline collaborate, and letting others experience all three working in concert.