Brazilians Who Design Showcases Talented Brazilian Designers

Brazilians Who Design is a place to showcase the work of talented Brazilian designers to the world. The goal is to inspire new designers to diversify their references, experienced designers to diversity their network, and companies to diversify their teams.

Created by Fabricio Teixeira, Brazilians Who Design was designed and built by Zeh Fernandes, directed and curated by Frabricio himself, on top of the tech stack that Jules Forrest kindly made available on Github after building Women Who Design. 

You will notice that every time you refresh the website, we feature a different Brazilian artist in the top right corner. 

As a Brazilian designer, it makes me so happy to see a celebration of designers from my home country. I remember when I started my career, more than 20 years ago (I know, I am a dinosaur), it was really hard to find any Brazilian that we could use as reference or aspire to follow their path. I am certain that this initiative will boost the confidence of young designers to see that there are no barriers but the one we put in front of ourselves. Then that list will just grow and Fabricio will have to hire more people to help him curate it.