Hasselblad x Stockholm Open for a Corona Fundraiser Match

The fine folks from Hasselblad have shared with us their latest endeavor and they selected Björn Ceder to document Tennis Against Corona, an aid initiative to support those heavily affected by the pandemic organized by Stockholm Open, the world’s oldest Association of Tennis Professional’s indoor tournament. Björn is a Swedish photographer and a creative director 25 years of experience in the industry. For Stockholm Open, Björn had the honor to photograph the world’s second-best ranked brothers in male professional tennis, Mikael and Elias Ymer, competed head to head in the Royal Tennis Hall in Stockholm. We shared the images below, check it out.

In their words

I didn’t want this to be a regular sports shoot. I decided to use super wide lenses to do the wide shots of the match – to let the architecture speak. For everything else, I used telephoto lenses and straight angles to work against creating typical sports photography shots,” — Björn
