SOWHAT AGENCY — brand identity & website design

Jordy Kuster shared a brand identity/rebranding and website design for SoWhat, a creative agency part of MASTER.CO who have been doing great work for big brands since 2015. 

art direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Websiteart direction  brand identity branding  identidade visual rebranding UI visual design visual identity Web Design  Website


  • Agency: Sowhat
  • Year: 2021/2022
  • Cd: Rodrigo Poersch
  • Head Of Art: Gean Santos
  • Cw: Rodrigo Poersch
  • Art Direction & Design: Gean Santos E Jordy Kuster

For more information make sure to check out Jordy Kuster on: