Unique Branding & Packaging Design for Volume Portable Cocktail

Yura Park and Ching-Fa Lung shared a quite unique branding, packaging design and visual design project for Volume. Volume a portable cocktail experience. The name for this brand was inspired by alcohol by volume(ABV). Alcohol by volume is a standard measure of how much alcohol is contained in a given amount of an alcoholic beverage. Because the jelly cocktail is unique in its form, We wanted to have a wordplay to highlight the jelly cocktail's uniqueness. 

Branding and Visual Design

To visualize this, a tight logotype was designed to highlight the intensity of the flavors packed in a cube. The cube was also used to store easily and make high-end experience through exclusively designed cube packages.

“Volume is a jelly cocktail done right. Our culinary creations are layered with a flavorful infusion of spices, fruit, bitters and booze. It’s the perfect artisanal experience for your elegant parties. Cheers!"