Calmaria One Page Website Design

I shared with you in the past about a new side project I am working on. It all started with me trying to find ways to cope with anxiety and stress. Access to information has helped us evolve rapidly but not without side effects. Misinformation and the strong polarization of opinions are amplified by our confirmation bias tendencies. What to believe, who is right, who is wrong? Questions with no answers inevitably create anxiety.

Questions with no answers inevitably create anxiety. The good news is that there is a simple way to reduce it, just breathe. It works! 

There are several different breathing techniques and exercises that are designed to bring your body to a deep relaxation state. Holding your breath for a period of time allows your body to better oxygenate. One of the simplest techniques is the 4-7-8 method which is simply inhaling for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 7 seconds and exhaling for 8 seconds.

Here’s the website I created for Calmaria (

Calmaria site

And very soon, there will be an Apple Watch version too.