It was the Future... series by Benjamin Bardou

Day 14 of Confinement. Was it the future we all wished a couple of decades ago? One thing for sure, the entire planet is currently experiencing an 'invisible thread' that has touched many for the past weeks. Our advice to you? Listen to your leaders and make sure to take proper hygiene measures to stay safe. Whenever I am watching the news and see the emptiness of some of the cities in the world. You cannot help to think about scenarios of fictional movies about the off-world. It's really weird facing this type of realism. Along those lines, we are featuring the series 'It was the future...' by Benjamin Bardou. I will let you be the judge about what IF this will be our nearby future or not.

About Benjamin Bardou

Benjamin is a filmmaker, art director, visual artist based in Paris, France. You will find lots of rad filmmaking projects and experiments on his Behance, make sure to check it out.
