Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.

Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.

We are featuring the bubble tea glass cup design by Mickey Wu, Fang Shih and cie. For those who don't know what Bubble Tea is, well it's a street drink culture with tapioca balls invented in Tainan and Taichung in the 1980s. And now it's a drink being made all over the World and everyone would have their own twist on the recipe. The designers have designed their own eco-friendly concept to waste awareness on waste and also redesigned the entire longevity of the drink. Another factor that makes this concept working even better, no straw needed. Another eco-friendly choice to make it even more unique, would you like to change your way to enjoy your next Bubble Tea?

FLOAT is made of environmentally-friendly recycled glass provided by Spring Pool Glass, which reduces the environmental pollution.

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Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.Reinventing the Bubble Tea Glass Cup, no straw needed.

Video: FLOAT : Non-Straw Glass Cup For Bubble Tea


  • Designer: 吳 天瑜 Mikey Wu / 史 芳 Fang Shih
  • Adviser: 吳 孝儒 Pili Wu
  • Product Cooperation: 春池玻璃實業有限公司 Spring Pool Glass
  • Photography: Oni Lai Studio
  • Video Assistants: 鄭 中安 Annie Chang / 周 擎 Ching Chou / 賀 律銘 Luming Ho